Is Intellectual Community Possible?

In In our latest work, we've married a live-action interview with 3D animation to paint a vivid picture of Syndicate - not just an online platform, but a thriving intellectual hub. Filmed with the crisp precision of the Alexa 35 camera, every moment captures the vibrant essence of this academic haven. Syndicate isn't just about networking; it's a hotbed of thought, where deep dives into today's burning issues happen. Larsen says it best: "Syndicate doesn't just host discussions; it breathes life into them." It's more than a platform; it's a catalyst for discovery and dialogue.


Project Objective

DropDrop, in collaboration with Think Theory, was tasked with the challenge of crafting an engaging video that highlights the journey of Syndicate Network. This network stands as a beacon for academic minds to unite and offer insightful solutions to the day’s pressing issues. By interweaving a compelling interview with abstract animation, we sought to underscore the value of intellectual unity and its potential to propel us forward in addressing significant challenges.


Discussing our strategy, we employed an eye direct while filming Sean, a technique allowing him to look straight into the camera lens. This approach was crucial for this project as it helped establish a direct and intimate connection with the audience, making his points more impactful. The eye direct facilitated a genuine conversation between Sean and the interviewer, Scott Heagle, creating the feeling of a one-on-one dialogue for viewers.

Additionally, a floating B camera was used to capture a different perspective of Sean, providing a more rounded portrayal. We had a substantial original interview, lasting an hour and 40 minutes, which we painstakingly transcribed and sifted through to uncover the core narrative about Syndicate Network. This process, though labor-intensive, allowed us to distill the key points needed to effectively tell the story.

Given the academic nature of the Syndicate Network, it was crucial to set the right tone for the video. The set needed to exude a scholarly ambiance, mirroring the intellectual exchange that takes place on the platform. The setting, therefore, played a pivotal role in visually communicating the essence of Syndicate Network.


Conversational Filmmaking: Unveiling Syndicate Network’s Story with Scott Heagle from Think Theory

Questions to prompt the right Narrative

In this project, we had the privilege of collaborating with Scott Heagle from Think Theory. Scott played a critical role in setting the direction for our video. He drafted a brand purpose that helped us crystallize our message within a three-minute timeframe. The Syndicate Network is a champion for intellectual innovation in theology and the humanities, fostering online dialogue around recent books spanning theology, religious studies, literary studies, and philosophy.

Scott positioned himself behind the Eye Direct, engaging in a rich conversation with Sean that spanned an hour and a half. This extensive dialogue was distilled into a crisp three-minute video that encapsulated the essence of Syndicate Network. It was a challenging exercise as we had to make tough decisions on what topics to include and exclude to craft the narrative effectively. Despite having to leave out several important subjects, we were successful in telling the story we set out to share.



We turned to the exceptional capabilities of the ARRI ALEXA 35 camera and the ZeroOptik Rehoused Canon FD 35 mm lens. These tools, known for their unique cinematic attributes, truly made a difference. The ARRI’s adaptability and superior image quality, along with the Canon lens’ ability to deliver detailed yet gentle focus, were key in accurately capturing skin tones. This precision not only added authenticity to our narrative, but also enriched the visual impact of Sean’s story.

In lighting Sean’s interview, our aim was to sculpt an environment that balanced depth and warmth, ensuring a personal touch. A generous, soft sidelight was employed, subtly emphasizing Sean. To generate a sense of warmth, we projected a streak of light evocative of a window on the back wall. This, coupled with the practical wall sconces, contributed to a visually engaging and intimate image.

Tyler Grimm | Cinematographer

Behind the Scenes


Cinema 4D, Red Shift, and X-Particles


Cracking the code to abstract storytelling was the real puzzle of this project. How do you stir emotions with basic design principles? It seemed daunting, until we embraced the ‘less is more’ mantra. Suddenly, storyboards and styleframes fell into place like magic. I found a liberating playground within these boundaries – juggling shapes, colors, and lights strategically opened up a world of possibilities. This approach turned complex ideas into tangible expressions, making them relatable for viewers and creatively satisfying for me.

Ryan Brady | 3D Artist

3D Approach

Harnessing the power of advanced tools in Cinema 4D, we’ve turned abstract visuals into metaphors for intellectual fervor. We’ve depicted the journey of consciousness using a glowing circle. This circle, immersed in a labyrinth wrapped in a white ribbon of entangled text, represents the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. As it delves deeper into the maze, it reads and absorbs the convoluted text, spiraling further into its core. This journey mirrors an intellectual’s introspection and self-awareness. However, in the end, it reveals a cautionary tale. The circle finds itself in a single lane, only hearing its own echoes—a metaphor for the dangers of becoming trapped within one’s own perspectives and biases.


Vivid but Abstract Form

In our visualization created with Cinema 4D, the scene starts with a solitary, softly glowing circle. This is not just a representation of Sean Larson, but a metaphor for all intellectuals driven by their passion.

As expressed in the interview, “It starts with something you care about,” the main circle emits a gentle radiance. This is a visual representation of how an intellectual’s interest in an issue sparks their journey.

When “Something matters to you,” additional circles appear, orbiting the glowing main circle. These symbolize the significant issues that concern intellectuals and inspire them to action.

Upon expressing, “You have a problem you want to help solve,” a complex maze emerges from the ground. This labyrinth, enclosed within the radiant aura of the main circle, represents the challenges that intellectuals are determined to overcome.

The glowing main circle – our visual stand-in for the intellectual – embarks on a journey through the maze, navigating its intricacies. This creative visualization encapsulates the process of problem-solving, giving a vivid form to the intellectual’s narrative.

X-Particles Interpretation

The moment a book springs open, catapulting powerful words – Poverty, Climate Change, and Racism – into the air. These terms are enveloped by a storm of abstract shapes, crafted using X-Particles from INSYDIUM, creating a visually arresting scene. Tangled texts and towering stacks of books frame this spectacle, symbolizing the complex labyrinth of knowledge we navigate when reading text, contemplating divinity, or unpacking the meaning of life. This image serves as a stark reminder that our understanding of these concepts is shaped by our individual interpretative lenses.


Mechanized Metaphor

An assembly line, a cogent symbol of societal conformity. Shapes obediently slot into their designated categories, mirroring our propensity to contribute unblinkingly to established norms. An unruly text, tangled amidst the uniformity, represents the disruptive yet enlightening power of critical thought. The slanting rays of light, ignored by the monotonous machinery, embody the hope that often goes unnoticed. This vivid 3D metaphor underscores the importance of questioning the status quo, encouraging us to step back from the assembly line of life and appreciate the bigger picture.

Shattering a Gatekeepers' Fortress

A glowing shape, a rebel in the realm of rigid thought, drops a seed of wisdom against the concrete blockades of intellectual gatekeepers. The seed hits, and like a lightning strike, fractures the status quo. It’s a defiant act, a spark of innovation disrupting tradition, sowing a garden of fresh ideas in an otherwise unyielding landscape.


Terraform FX and Taiao

With the aid of x-particles Terraform FX and Taiao, we’ve brought to life the vibrant flora and towering trees within the confines of Cinema 4D. Our glowing shapes bear fruit, symbolizing a new beginning. Although the garden floor is still strewn with tangled text, there’s a hint of optimism. The once stubborn pavement shows signs of yielding, its cracks a testament to defiance. The scene comes alive in the enchanting light of the magic hour. Nestled behind a formidable maze wall, a sparsely populated forest stretches out, adding depth to the landscape.

From Chaos to Clarity

In our grand finale, we witness a stunning metamorphosis. A complex grid of tangled text, symbolic of past dialogues and intellectual exchanges, begins to unravel. It’s an apt metaphor – a visual epitome of The Syndicate Networks’ mission.

The words, once knotted and intertwined, now loosen and align, unveiling the heart of our identity – The Syndicate Networks logo. This isn’t just an emblem; it’s a rallying point for our shared quest for knowledge and understanding.

The unraveling text signifies more than aesthetic transformation. It represents the dissolution of intellectual boundaries, the merging of thought silos, and the birth of uncharted routes toward collaborative discourse.

I tasked Drop Drop with a near impossible task; to visually narrate the invisible. To bring topics and themes like intellectual innovation, intellectual isolation, and intellectual imagination out of the hallways of academia and into a full visual expression of their unique complexity. DropDrop caught the vision, injected creativity, and executed flawlessly.

Scott Heagle | Principal at Think Theory

Director’s Statement

Cassidy Bisher, director, edit, color, and sound

This has been a truly remarkable journey and now, right here in this blog post, you can see the fruits of our labor. Collaboration was key in this project, and I want to give a huge thank you to Think Theory for their invaluable insights. But the real star of the show was Sean, the visionary behind the Syndicate Network. His passion and insight during our hour and 40-minute interview were simply awe-inspiring.

Honestly, we could have made a whole documentary out of what he shared. Our challenge was to encapsulate that spirit into a compelling video narrative. We wanted to do justice to the innovative and boundary-pushing ethos of the Syndicate Network – and with the final product now ready, I believe we’ve done just that.

A special shout-out to Ryan Brady is in order. His 3D design skills brought an extra layer of depth and dynamism to the project. Ryan, your creativity was a game-changer. Thank you!
The video… It’s a testament to the transformative power of diverse perspectives and intellectual discourse, and a tribute to the vibrant community that Sean has built at the Syndicate Network.

Here’s to the power of ideas and the communities that bring them to life!

Create a ripple that becomes a wave

Eager to craft a video that’s as unique as you are? We’re here to guide you! Contact us and let’s embark on a journey to create something truly remarkable. Your vision, our expertise – let’s bring it to life!